Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Working vehicles at Toyota Automobile Museum

Toyota 7

August 1st - 2009

The Toyota Automobile Museum is having an event regarding "working vehicles" .... it's about the vehicles that being use by Fire Brigade, Police and others. We decided to go during the JAF ( Japan Automobile Federation ) and there is a performance of a towing truck towing a car too.
The weather was a bit wet with a light rain, and as we arrived we went for the indoor photoshoot with the tow truck and Eirfan & Yuri wear the JAF uniform. After a few shots and pose there, we went outside for the towing show.
After the show we went to the main building and head straight to the event section. The first vehicle was the police car.. Eirfan and Yuri head straight to the costumes and asked me to help them wear it before i snap them. Next was with the ambulance then the fire engine. After that with the construction vehicles.
Then we went for the free colouring section and let both of them colour the pictures. The pictures was a JAF rescue car and a fire engine. I also took few home for Eiqmal too due he was left at home with mum. Before returning home we stop at the museum shop and buy some souvenirs too.

JAF kids
Funny pose with the JAF outfit.

With the Tow Truck
A shot with the tow truck.

Eirfan & Toyota Crown Police CarYuri jadi polis
Police mode♪

Drebar ambulan la pulak
The medical team

Tabik sikit
Fire fighters!!

Yuri did it again....

Free colouring time
Busy colouring.

Colourful fire engine by Eirfan
Colourful fire engine by Eirfan.

Pink fire engine by Yuri
Pink fire engine by Yuri.

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